defend democracy

Democracy Front

occupation and civil disobedience

"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion... So help me God."

What should we do?

we must act now.

The United States is under siege from within — hijacked by an illegitimate president and administration and protected by a system unwilling to uphold our constitutional safeguards.The system refuses to act. Thus, the people must.

Method one


...or, the act of using our bodies to hold critical infrastructure, buildings, and symbolic places. Our aim? Disrupt their peace. Hold down their business. Halt their work, until it is turned in favor of the people, for the people.

Method Two

Civil Disobedience (CD)

Lawbreaking that is purposeful, principled, and conscientious. If you can't occupy for any reason, take a stand in other ways. There is space for everyone in the movement.

the reasons

Why Occupation and CD?

Civil disobedience is just one of many weapons we can use to demand change and accountability of our leaders. The protests have already sparked. The marches have already begun. And for those of us for whom this is still not enough, who feel a greater call to action, who will not rest until the traitors to the Constitution are impeached and removed from office, until the executive orders enabling executive overreach have been rescinded, until democracy itself has been reestablished, this is the next move.

The who

Who are we?

We are a movement dedicated to direct civil resistance, and disruptive action. We reject the state-sponsored erosion of individual civil liberties, especially targeted towards vulnerable minority groups. We condemn the oppressive policies that define the regime. An attack on one is an attack on all, and by reclaiming democracy we are by extension supporting individual rights.

Occupy. Fight. Resist.


Interested in becoming part of the movement? Join us through email, Discord, or Signal.

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